October 2020
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INEDIT platform services as a starting point for future developments

INEDIT platform services as a starting point for future developments

  • Posted by Eleonora Bongiovanni
  • On October 22, 2020

At the end of September, the INEDIT team closed the first project work package, that lays the foundation for all the future activities of the project. The performed work started with the definition of the Do-It-Together approach, the identification of the INEDIT primary stakeholders and their needs, till the creation of the INEDIT specification map. This last one is a summary table that maps INEDIT stakeholders and their needs with the INEDIT platform functionalities and the enabled services. Indeed, in order to meet stakeholders needs and to make the DIT approach exploitable through the dedicated INEDIT platform, the final work package activity resulted into the identification of four different but complementary services:

  1. Furniture product development: this service will enable the development of a new product, from the conceptualization of new ideas to the design of a new product solution. It is intended for consumers (both unexperienced persons and designers) that will access the DIT community and will share ideas, knowledge, experiences;
  2. Furniture product configuration: this service is meant to support the consumer in a quick and easy configuration of a product (being it newly designed or an already existing product in the INEDIT marketplace);
  3. Furniture prototyping: this service could be addressed both by experts (designers) and consumers, that want to create their own prototype with the avant-garde technologies provided at INEDIT Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities;
  4. Open-manufacturing: whether the consumer purchases the desired item, this service, availing of the entire production capacity that characterises the INEDIT ecosystem, guarantees a sustainable and efficient production of the furniture product.

The proposed services are a starting point to have a common vision of what the INEDIT platform needs to offer in order to meet the market needs and demand. They will be implemented during the development of the INEDIT platform and demonstrated through the INEDIT Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities and use cases.