September 2021
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INEDIT Open community around a research & development dynamic at Université de Lorraine

INEDIT Open community around a research & development dynamic at Université de Lorraine

  • Posted by Eleonora Bongiovanni
  • On September 3, 2021

During the first semester 2021, ERPI Laboratory and ENSGSI from the Université de Lorraine managed several INEDIT sub-projects and workshops involving a real open community with students, industrials, SMEs, citizens, researchers, multipliers, etc. In addition, the UL team organised several research & development seminars (physical at ENSGSI, LF2L platform and online) to promote the work of its students and internships.

The first week of February 2021, 60 engineering students and 10 companies or organizations participated in an Open Innovation workshop focusing on the theme of “wooden furniture 4.0” supported by the Factory of the Future, designed and supervised by Prof. V. Boly and Dr. Manon Enjolras (link). Many creative concepts were explored thanks to this workshop such as the agile production of a honeycomb wall frame, a smart retractable workbench, a connected bathroom with local resources.

From November 2020 to June 2021, Victor BROSSE, Aurore BOURRET, Jade MOULINIE and Rémi PARMENTIER four students in Innovation Engineering (ENSGSI), advised by Brunelle Marche, worked on the identification by exploitation of the strengths and weaknesses of the first Gigabot 3D printer in Europe, and the process to be developed by SMEs or organization willing to adopt the Do-It-Together approach.

Moreover, Steve Guerrier, a high school student at the Lycée Loritz (Nancy, France), completed a 2-month internship at the LF2L Platform with the supervision of Benjamin Ennesser-Serville, the technical manager of the platform. He had the opportunity to design in CAD and print items with the Gigabot X to customize a workshop trolley

Finally, on Friday 16 July, three Master 2 internships working with the UL Team of the INEDIT project got the opportunity to present their work and first results to the 30 international participants from different field of sciences (innovation, design, electronic, mechanic, economic, etc.). Thus, Swapnil BALPANDE, M2 student in mechanical engineering at Centrale Nantes and working with Hakim Boudaoud and Fabio Cruz, presented the first experiment with Gigabot X for printing furniture. Bouchra BETTICH, M2 student in economy & innovation at the Université du Littoral-Côte d’Opale, working with Fedoua Kasmi, explained the approach to collect qualitative data to identify the suppliers of plastic wastes in order to create a distributed and local plastic recycling network around our Green FabLab. Finally, Saadallah TAMAZART M2 Student in design & usages at the Université de Lorraine (ENSGSI – IDEAS), working with Laurent Dupont and Sylvain Fleury (ENSAM), described the process to experiment the INEDIT co-creation tools (Roomscan, design in Virtual Reality).

All these projects feed into the work around the UL case study and help mobilise an open community around the DIT process.




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